Anticipated 10 Vertiports for the Jubilee 2025


The project was reiterated during the ZeroEmission Mediterranean 2023. 10 vertiports are expected in Rome starting from 2026.

During the Jubilee 2025, taxis will take to the air. Or rather, “electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft.” This emerged during the ZeroEmission Mediterranean, the international fair promoting renewable energies for the decarbonization of electricity production, electrification of consumption, electric mobility, scheduled until Thursday at the Fiera di Roma.

Speaking on the topic of electric air mobility and carbon-neutral transportation were Carlo Tursi, CEO of UrbanV, along with Carmela Tripaldi, Director of Research and Development of New Technologies and Aerospace at ENAC, Stefano Brinchi, Head of Communication and Institutional Relations at Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, and Paolo Cappello, Director of the Aam Business Unit at Sea Milan Airports.

The goal is to make Rome the world’s first city with this new form of mobility. With this purpose, agreements have been made for the construction of vertiports connecting Fiumicino Airport to the city center, possibly in time for Rome’s Jubilee in 2025. One of the potential sites for the vertiport construction is Parco Piccolomini, in the XIII municipality.