Legal Notes and Disclaimer

  1. Terms and Conditions of Use

    1.1 – The website referred to in this document is owned by Combustion & Energy S.r.l. – (Fully paid-up capital of €100,000 – VAT No. IT10124480962 – Companies Register of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan – Monza and Brianza – Lodi No. 2507970), with its registered office at Via Sabatelli, 38 – 23848 Valmadrera (Lecco).

    1.2 – The information and services offered by the Website are accessible online at the following address:

    1.3 – The user acknowledges that access to and/or use of the Website and the services offered by it are subject to the full acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth below. If you do not wish to accept, the visitor is invited not to use the Website and not to download any material from it. Additional terms and conditions different from these may apply to the provision of certain services or the sale of goods or the use of other parts of the Website.

    1.4 – The user must be of legal age and possess the legal capacity to use the Website, accepting these General Terms and Conditions, and assume any responsibility arising from the use of the Website.

    1.5 – The user acknowledges and accepts that interacting with the website implies full acceptance of these Legal Notes and Disclaimer, as well as any published documents.”

    1.6 – The user agrees to interact with the Website (including, for example, browsing, filling out forms, sending email messages with attachments, uploading content, using instant messaging tools, sharing content, interacting with social network profiles, etc.) in compliance with current regulations and the usage rules published by the respective owners.

    1.7 – By interacting in the aforementioned cases, which shall be deemed as conclusive behavior for full and conscious acceptance, the user:
    a) Acknowledges that they will be held responsible for any activity – even indirectly attributable to them – that is unlawful or potentially harmful to the Website owner, its image, or its rights, as well as the rights of third parties.
    b) Agrees to indemnify, guarantee, and hold the Owner harmless with respect to any claims of any nature coming from third parties (individuals, public authorities, etc.), even indirectly related to any activity – even indirectly attributable to them – that is unlawful or potentially harmful to the Website owner, its image, or its rights, as well as the rights of third parties.
    c) Acknowledges and accepts that technical data (e.g., session logs, etc.) held by or available to the Owner will be valid evidence for the purposes of what is provided above.

    1.8 – If the user does not accept what is outlined on the Website, they must immediately cease browsing/interacting with the Website. Browsing will be considered as having been carried out with full awareness of the content and as complete acceptance without any reservations.
  2. Intellectual and Industrial Property

    2.1 – All rights to the content of the Website (including, but not limited to, texts, images, trademarks, audio and video files, as well as the architecture of the Website itself) are reserved to Combustion & Energy S.r.l. or their legitimate owners, in accordance with current national and international regulations.

    2.2 – The contents of the Website pages, either in full or in part, may not be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published, distributed, or disseminated in any way without the prior written consent of the Website owner, except for the right to reproduce and communicate them, as permitted by articles 65 and following of Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941, and the ability to store them on your computer or print excerpts from the pages of this Website for personal use only. Any use of the trademarks used on the Website is also prohibited without the prior written consent of the Website owner or the legitimate owners.

    2.3 – Any form of linking to this Website, when added by third parties, must not harm the image and activities of Combustion & Energy S.r.l. “Deep linking,” which refers to the use, on third-party websites, of parts of the Website or direct links to its pages without going through the Website’s homepage, is prohibited.

    2.4 – Any material sent to Combustion & Energy S.r.l. will be considered non-confidential in nature, and this company assumes no obligations of any kind regarding such materials, and may use them without limitations. Those who send materials guarantee that the same are publishable, accepting the responsibility and undertaking to hold the Website owners harmless and indemnify them from any actions by third parties related to such materials or for violations of current regulations, such as copyright or intellectual property rights, or in relation to the processing of personal data.

    2.5 – Any violation of these provisions, except with explicit written authorization, will be pursued in the competent civil and criminal courts.
  3. Warranties and Liability

    3.1 – Combustion & Energy S.r.l. does not guarantee continuous access or the correct display, download, or use of the elements and information contained on the Portal’s pages, which may be hindered, obstructed, or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control.

    3.2 – The texts, information, and other data published or accessible through forms on the Website are for informational purposes only and are not contractual unless otherwise provided or required by current regulations.

    3.3 – In no event will Combustion & Energy S.r.l. be held liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of this website, the inability or impossibility to access it, reliance on the information contained therein, or its use.

    3.4 – Information may be changed or updated without notice. Combustion & Energy S.r.l. may also improve, change, or remove some sections of this website without prior notice.

    3.5 – Although the services and/or content of the Website are of indefinite duration, Combustion & Energy S.r.l. reserves the right to unilaterally close, suspend, or interrupt the provision of services or the Website in general at any time and without notice.

    3.6 – The user acknowledges that the Website operator cannot be held liable in any case for the information, content, products, and services offered or provided through the Website by third parties or entities, including those with which the Website has established a linking link, and for any other content, information, or anything else that is contrary to current regulations present on the third party’s linked resource. Anyone who decides to visit a site linked to the Website does so at their own risk, assuming the responsibility of taking all necessary measures and precautions against viruses or other destructive elements.

    3.7 – Linking to other sites does not imply that Combustion & Energy S.r.l. sponsors or is affiliated with the entities that provide the services described on those sites.

    3.8 – In no way can Combustion & Energy S.r.l. be held responsible for damages caused to third parties due to the incorrect, harmful, and/or unauthorized use of the materials contained on the site or the transmission of any viruses that may infect the computer equipment used by the site’s visitors.
  4. Personal Data

    4.1 – Users/customers are invited to refer to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation, EU Regulation No. 2016/679) and our PRIVACY AND COOKIES POLICY/GDPR.
  5. Cookies

    5.1 – A “cookie” (a small data file that some websites, while visited, can send to the visitor’s address) may be found on Combustion & Energy S.r.l.’s Website to track the visitor’s path on the Website. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can set your browser to alert you to the presence of a cookie and then decide whether to accept it or not. You can also automatically reject all cookies by activating the appropriate option in your browser. For more information on this, please refer to the Privacy and Cookies Policy/GDPR of the Website.
  6. Changes to the Website’s Terms of Use

    6.1 – Combustion & Energy S.r.l. reserves the right to unilaterally and at any time make changes to these General Conditions published on the Website.

    6.2 – Users are required to periodically review the current General Conditions. In any case, Combustion & Energy S.r.l. will notify any changes to the General Conditions by alerting on the Website’s Home Page.

    6.3 – Combustion & Energy S.r.l. will retain previous versions of the Terms of Use.
  7. Law and Jurisdiction

    Subject to the possible applicability of mandatory rules:

    a) The execution and interpretation of these Terms of Use are governed by Italian law;
    b) The Milan Court, Italy, shall have exclusive jurisdiction for any disputes related to these conditions. However, Combustion & Energy S.r.l. reserves the right, if deemed necessary, to take legal action before courts in countries or cities other than Italy or Milan to protect its interests and enforce its rights.

    Previous versions are kept at the Data Controller’s office.

    Version published on: 10/10/2023
    Last updated on: 10/10/2023